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Cheese cake

حلويات شرقية جميلة ، كيفية تحضير حلويات شرقية بالصور ، عمل حلويات شرقيه بالمقادير

 Cheese cake

This delicious cake Altcz contain crispy French biscuit and a charge of precious cheese, sugar, eggs and covered with strawberry sauce Ready


7 eggs
4 Philadelphia cheese cans
Cup sugar and half
Teaspoon vanilla
100 grams butter
French biscuit packaging
Cheesecake sauce ready

The way

Separates the yolk for whiteness and whiteness placed in a blender with the sugar and mix well to hold together and set aside
In the meantime break the biscuits and mix well with butter and brush in openable tray
The yolk is placed in a blender with vanilla and add the cheese and mix a little bit to be in harmony and then the mixture is placed upon the former
Mix all together and then placed on top of the biscuits
Chinese placed in the oven at a temperature of 350 for an hour and then go out and leave to cool a little and then placed in the refrigerator
Before serving put the sauce to taste and serve cold
Cheese cake مراجعة mohamed amine يوم 9:02 ص التقييم: 5

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